Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Some Fear Obama Tax Hikes Will Hurt Charities - First 100 Days of Presidency - Politics

 These guys just don’t get it….Bill

President Obama's plan to expand health care coverage by raising taxes on the wealthy is drawing accusations that he wants to do it at the expense of charitable giving.

"Our view is that will have modest effect on actual giving and the most important thing you can do for overall charitable giving is make the economy strong," he said. "That has the biggest effect on giving as a whole."

Yet a study released this week by the Center on Philanthropy shows 47 percent of affluent households say they would give less if their tax deductions for charitable giving was reduced. That news comes at the same time 93 percent of professional fundraisers report that the economy is already having a noticeable, negative impact on their efforts. Critics of Obama's plan say the timing couldn't be worse.

Some Fear Obama Tax Hikes Will Hurt Charities - First 100 Days of Presidency - Politics

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