Friday, May 22, 2009

Cheney Takes Fight to Obama as Other Republicans Avoid Clash


‘Everything We Could’

“The percentages are more with Cheney than Obama,” Feehery said. “What Cheney is basically arguing is that we did everything we could to make the country safer, and what Obama is arguing is that we don’t have to do as much to make the country safer.”

Feehery said Cheney had gotten the better of the president with barbed lines like one in which he said the current administration’s approach is more geared to receiving “applause in Europe” than protecting America’s security.

“There’s no doubt about it, this is the first time they’ve got him,” he said. “This is the first time that Republicans feel like they have some momentum.”

He said Cheney’s defense of the Bush policies as necessary to protect the U.S. will seem prescient in the event of a terrorist attack.

“If something goes wrong, people are going to remember what Cheney said,” Feehery said.

Cheney Takes Fight to Obama as Other Republicans Avoid Clash -

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