Monday, January 11, 2010 - Irate Labor Leaders Press Obama on Proposed Health Care 'Cadillac' Tax


The "excise tax" refers to the Senate attempt to slap a 40 percent levy health insurance benefit plans valued at $8,500 for individuals and $23,000 for families (for high-risk occupations like law enforcement and firefighting the levels are $9,850 and $26,000).

Click below to read the entire article. - Irate Labor Leaders Press Obama on Proposed Health Care 'Cadillac' Tax

1 comment:

  1. This is the first article I've seen where they actually show some "real" numbers. Most of the time all that is talked about is the trillion dollars that will be added to the budget.

    That's all fine and well but we need numbers like this that will show what it will cost to people who are actually paying the bill.


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